Learn British Sign Language Online with BSL Courses

Learn British Sign Language online at your own pace – whatever your goals and current level

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How it works, in 90 seconds

We've got the perfect course for youFrom complete beginner to professional interpreter

Student support is great; the course is professional and organised and the service is very personal and understanding.

Ruth Marchewicz, Level 6 NVQ Certificate in BSL

Is BSL Courses right for me?

We offer a wide range of British Sign Language courses for all abilities and they are taught through our online platform, so you’re free to learn at your own pace. BSL Courses is perfect if you…

  • Are looking for a flexible way to learn at your own pace. No more trying to fit your life around evening classes or driving to out-of-the-way colleges
  • Want to communicate with a Deaf family member or friend and have no prior experience
  • Are looking to start (or progress in) a career working with Deaf people
  • Need to top up your professional qualifications
  • Want to receive nationally recognised certifications
  • Value having a great support team who are available to help you with any questions or advice
User illustration

James is a professional interpreter at Level 6 who needs to stay on top of his game.

User illustration

Steph is a support worker who wants to expand her careers options by learning BSL.

User illustration

Sarah is a busy mother who wants to learn absic BSL to communicate with her deaf nephew.

User illustration

Graham is a receptionist, undertaking Deaf Awareness Training to better help his guests.

Fun bite-size classes

Learn British Sign Language at your own pace in a range of styles - videos, slideshows and more.

Learn everything you need to know from BSL to deaf awareness. Beginner to fluent. Course material is structured to guide and improve your signing skills all the way. Prepare skills for quizzes and tutorials throughout the course.

Screenshot of the BSLcourses app

After I finished my Level 6 BSL Training course, this was so quick to finish as there are only the assessments to complete, very minimal paperwork. I sincerely commend the staff who have put together this course allowing me to finally register as a Trainee Interpreter and I was only 19!'

Oliver Hawley, Level 6 BSL Training & Level 6 Certificate in BSL Studies

Quizzes to unlock classes

Complete fun quizzes to test your BSL knowledge and unlock new classes.

Our interactive quizzes test your new signing skills and knowledge, using videos and images. Quizzes ensures you are ready to do tutorials and progress to the next set of classes.

Screenshot of the BSLcourses app

One-to-one tutorials with professionals

Practice your new sign language skills and gain valuable feedback with one-to-one tutorials.

Complete tutorials with a BSL Teacher, Practice new skills and knowledge. Receive expert feedback and tips. You will be guided through the entire course so you are ready to progress to the next Level or complete assessments (which are also done via webcam).

Screenshot of the BSLcourses app

Nationally recognised qualifications

Get nationally recognised qualifications backed by iBSL and Signature

When you complete any of our BSL Training Courses, you'll receive a certificate of completion from us. Whereas, if you choose a formal qualification course (for example, Level 1 Award), you will also receive a nationally-accredited certificate from their respective BSL Awarding body (iBSL or Signature).

Nationally recognised qualifications

Ready to learn BSL? Join 900+ happy students now!

Start learning for free now

We'll help you pick the right course in the next step.

We're hiring!

We are looking for an experienced and qualified BSL Teacher to join our team on a freelance basis.

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